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Book (1): (Note: Corresponding Author is indicated as *)
W. Su*, and A.Q. Huang, "Energy Internet: An Open Energy Platform to Transform Legacy Power Systems into Open Innovation and Global Economic Engine," Woodhead Publishing, Elsevier, ISBN-9780081022078, 2018. (Link)
Book Chapters (5): (Note: Corresponding Author is indicated as *)
A. Zaboli, K. Park, J. Hong, W. Su, "A Grid Planning and Optimization Tool for Substation Overload Reduction," Microgrid - Design, Optimization, and Applications, Edited by A.K. Pandey, S. Padmanaban, S.L. Tripathi, V. Patel, V. Patel, CRC Press, 2024.
W. Su*, J. Wang, and Z. Hu, "Planning, Control and Management Strategies for Parking Lots for PEVs," Plug-In Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid: Management and Control Strategies, Edited by S. Rajakaruna, F. Shahnia, and A. Ghosh, Springer, 2014. (Link)
W. Su*, J. Wang, and D. Ton, "Smart Grid Impact on Operation and Planning of Electric Energy Systems," Handbook of Clean Energy Systems, Edited by A. Conejo and J. Yan, Wiley, July 2015. (Link)
W. Su*, R. Ma, and S. Xu, "Grid Integration of Electric and Hybrid Electric Vehicles in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems," Cyber-Physical-Social Systems and Constructs in Electric Power Engineering, Edited by S. Suryanarayanan, R. Roche and T. Hansen, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), pp.193-216, October 2016. (Link)
H. Pourbabak, T. Chen, and B. Zhang, and W. Su*, "Control and Energy Management Systems in Microgrids," Clean Energy Microgrids, Edited by Shin'ya Obara, The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), 2017. (Link)
Journal Publications (100+): (Note: Corresponding Author is indicated as *)
A. Hassan, G.V. Hollweg, and W. Su*, "Degradation-Aware Bi-level Optimization of Second-Life Battery Energy Storage System Considering Demand Charge Reduction," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, 2024. (under review) (Link)
V. Bui*, A. Hussain, S. Zarrabian, J. Hong, and W. Su*, "Machine Learning-Assisted Renewable Energy Uncertainty Compensation with Demand Response: An Analysis of Ship Energy System," Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks, 2024. (under review) (Link)
S. Chaturvedi, M. Wang, S. Khan, D. Lee, G.V. Hollweg, and W. Su*, "Hybrid Robust Phase Current Balancing Control for Interleaved DC-DC Boost Converters," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, 2024. (under review) (Link)
S. Mohammadi, V. Bui, W. Su*, and Bin Wang, "Surrogate Modeling for Solving OPF: A Review," Sustainability, 2024. (in press) (Link)
G.V. Hollweg, P.J.D. de O. Evald, S. Chaturvedi, H.A. Grundling, and W. Su, "A Robust Adaptive One Sample Ahead Preview Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Controller," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2023. (under review) (Link)
V. Bui, S. Mohammadi, S. Das, A. Hussain, G.V. Hollweg, and W. Su, "A Critical Review of Safe Reinforcement Learning Strategies in Power and Energy Systems," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2025. (Link)
M. Salman*, S. Chaturvedi, and W. Su, "Comprehensive Study of E-Bike Braking Dynamics: Modeling, Simulation and Experimental Validation," IEEE Access, vol.13, pp.14998-15013, 2025. (Link)
G.V. Hollweg, P.J.D. de O. Evald, H. A. Grundling, and W. Su*, "Lyapunov Stability Analysis of an RMRAC-based Adaptive Sigmoid Super-Twisting Sliding Mode under Matched and Unmatched Uncertainties," International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 1-37, 2024. (Link)
G.S. Chawda, A.G. Shaik, and W. Su, "Efficient Wind Energy Integration in Weak AC Grid with a DLMF-Based Adaptive Approach," Applied Energy, vol.372, Oct. 2024. (Link)
G.S. Chawda, W. Su*, and M. Wang, "A Comprehensive Review of High-Frequency AC Microgrids for Distribution Systems," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.15, no.6, pp.5415-5428, Nov. 2024. (Link)
A. Sleiman and W. Su*, "Combined K-means Clustering with Neural Networks Methods for PV Short-Term Generation Load Forecasting in Electric Utilities," Energies, 17(6), 1433, 2024. (Link)
A. Hassan, S. Khan, R. Li, W. Su*, X. Zhou, M. Wang, and B. Wang, "Second-Life Batteries: A Review on Power Grid Applications, Degradation Mechanisms, and Power Electronics Interface Architectures," Batteries, 9(12), 571, 2023. [Editor’s Choice] (Link)
G.V. Hollweg, V. Bui, F. Leno da Silva, R. Glatt, W. Su*, "An RMRAC with Deep Symbolic Optimization for DC-AC Converters Under Less-inertia Power Grids," IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, vol.10, pp.629-642, 2023. (Link)
J. O'Donnell and W. Su*, "The Application of Stochastic Load Forecasts by Electric Utilities to Prevent Transformer Failures and Power Quality Concerns with Evolving Electrical Demands," Energies, 16(21), 7251, 2023. (Link)
A. Amin, J. Hong, V. Bui, and W. Su*, "Emerging 6G/B6G Wireless Communication for the Power Infrastructure in Smart City: Innovations, Challenges, and Future Perspectives," Algorithms, 16(10), 474, 2023. (Link)
F. Leno da Silva, R. Glatt, W. Su, V. Bui, F. Chang, M. Wang, Y. Murphey, C. Huang, L. Xue, R. Zeng, “AutoTG: Reinforcement Learning-based Symbolic Optimization for AI-assisted Power Converter Design,” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics, vol.5, no.2, pp.680-689, April 2024. (Link)
V. Bui*, A. Hussain, S. Zarrabian, P.M. Kump, and W. Su*, "Clustering-Based Optimal Operation of Charging Stations Under High Penetration of Electric Vehicles," Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023. vol.36, 101178, December 2023. (Link)
J. O'Donnell and W. Su*, "Attention Focused Machine Learning Method to Provide Efficient Stochastic Load Forecasts for Changing Customer Requirements for the Evolving Electrical Distribution System," Energies, 16(15), 5661, 2023. (Link)
Q. Hu, S. Bu*, W. Su, and V. Terzija, "A Privacy-Preserving Energy Management System Based on Homomorphic Cryptosystem for IoT-Enabled Active Distribution Network," Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, 2023. (Link)
R. Li, A. Hassan, N. Gupte, W. Su, and X. Zhou*, "Degradation Prediction and Cost Optimization of Second-Life Battery Used for Energy Arbitrage and Peak-Shaving in an Electric Grid," Energies, 16(17), 6200, 2023. (Link)
Z. Zhao, C. Wang*, H. Liao, V. Bui, and W. Su, "Data-driven Analysis and Modeling of Collective Generation Behaviors in an Electricity Market: A Perspective from Market Participants," IEEE Trans. on Energy Markets, Policy and Regulation, 2023. vol.1, no.3, pp.161-172, September 2023. (Link)
D. Harris, F. Silva, W. Su, and R. Glatt*, "A Survey on Simulation Platforms for Agent-based Modeling in Electrified Transportation," IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol.25, no.2, pp.1131-1147, Feb. 2024. (Link)
S. Chaturvedi, V. Bui, W. Su*, and M. Wang, "Reinforcement Learning Based Integrated Control to Improve the Efficiency of DC Microgrids," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.15, no.1, pp.149-159, January 2024. (Link)
G.V. Hollweg, P.J.D. de O. Evald, R.V. Tambara, W. Su*, and H.A. Gründling, "A Modified Robust Adaptive Super-Twisting Sliding Mode Controller for Grid-connected Converters," International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems, 21(X), 1-15, 2023. (Link)
G.V. Hollweg, S. Khan, S. Chaturvedi, Y. Fan, M. Wang*, W Su*, "Grid-Connected Converters: A Brief Survey of Topologies, Output Filters, Current Control, and Weak Grids Operation," Energies, 2023. (in press) (Link)
G.V. Hollweg, P.J.D. de O. Evald, E. Mattos. L.C. Borin, R.V. Tambara, H.A. Grundling, and W. Su*, "A Direct Adaptive Controller with Harmonic Compensation for Grid-connected Converters," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol.71, no.3, pp.2978-2989, March 2024. (Link)
A. Zaboli, V-N. Tuyet-Doan, Y-H. Kim, J. Hong*, W. Su, "An LSTM-SAE-based Behind-the-Meter Load Forecasting Method," IEEE Access, vol.11, pp.49378-49392, 2023. (Link)
M. Jiang, T. Chen*, C. Gao, R. Ma, W. Su, and A. Kavousi-Fard, "A Game Theoretic Approach to Solve Competition between Multi-type Electric Vehicle Charging and Parking Facilities," World Electric Vehicle Journal, 14(3), 59, 2023. (Link)
S. Chaturvedi, M. Wang*, Y. Fan, D. Fulwan, G. Hollweg, S. Khan, and W. Su, "Control Methodologies to Mitigate and Regulate Second-Order Ripples in DC–AC Conversions and Microgrids: A Brief Review," Energies, 16(2), 2023. (Link)
F. Chang, J. O'Donnell, and W. Su*, "Voltage Stability Assessment of AC/DC Hybrid Microgrid," Energies, 16(1), 399, 2023. (Link)
V. Thanh and W. Su*, "Improving Current Sharing and Voltage Regulation for DC Microgrids: A Decentralized Demand Response Approach," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.14, no.4, pp.2508-2520, July 2023. (Link)
G. Cho, M. Wang*, Y. Kim, J. Kwon, and W. Su, "A Physics-Informed Machine Learning Approach for Estimating Lithium-Ion Battery Temperature," IEEE Access, vol.10, pp.88117-88126, 2022. (Link)
V. Nguyen, N. Nguyen, Q. Nguyen, V. Bui, and W. Su*, "Optimal Design Parameters of Hybrid DC Circuit Breakers Using Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm," Algorithms, vol.15, no.298, 2022. (Link)
V. Bui, F. Chang, W. Su*, M. Wang, Y. Murphey, F. Leno da Silva, C. Huang, L. Xue, and R. Glatt, "Deep Neural Network-Based Surrogate Model for Optimal Component Sizing of Power Converters using Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Access, vol.10, pp.78702-78712, 2022. (Link)
W. Su*, A.Q. Huang, M.A. Masrur, A.K. Srivastava, T. Bui, and D. Shi, "Guest Editorial: Special Section on Power Electronics-Enabled Smart Power Distribution Grid," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.13, no.5, pp.3851-3856, September 2022. (Link)
S.A. Khan, M. Wang*, W. Su*, G. Liu, S. Chaturvedi, "Grid Forming Converters for Stability Issues in Future Power Grids," Energies, 15, 4937, 2022. (Link)
V. Bui and W. Su*, "A Dynamic Internal Trading Price Strategy for Networked Microgrids: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Game-Theoretic Approach," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.13, no.5, pp.3408-3421, September 2022. (Link)
V. Thanh, M. Wang, and W. Su*, "Data-driven Model Predictive Control-based Proactive Scheduling for Commercial Microgrid Considering Anomaly Detection," IEEE Systems Journal, vol.17, no.1, pp.443-454, March 2023. (Link)
B. Zhang, M. Wang*, and W. Su*, "Reliability Interdependencies and Causality Assessment for A Converter-penetrated Power System," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.16, no.13, pp.2547-2558, July 2022. (Link)
V. Thanh, B. Wang, and W. Su*, "Optimal DC Microgrid Operation with Model Predictive Control-based Voltage-dependent Demand Response and Optimal Battery Dispatch," Energies, 15(6), 2140, 2022. (Link)
S. Liao, L. Wei, and W. Su*, "Uncovering Hidden Factors in Electricity Consumption based on Gaussian Mixture Estimation," Energies, 2022, 15(1), 319. (Link)
V. Bui and W. Su*, "Real-time Operation of Distribution Network: A Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Reconfiguration Approach," Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, vol.50, 101841, March 2022. (Link)
F. Chang, X. Cui, M. Wang, and W. Su*, "Potential-Based Large-Signal Stability Analysis in DC Power Grids with Multiple Constant Power Loads," IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, vol.9, pp.16-28, 2022. (Link)
P. Razmjouei, A. Kavousi-Fard, M. Dabbaghjamanesh, T. Jin, W. Su, "DAG based Smart Contract for Dynamic 6G Wireless EVs Charging System," IEEE Trans. on Green Communications and Networking, vol.6, no.3, pp.1459-1467, September 2022. (Link)
M. Farrokhabadi, J. Browell, Y. Wang, S. Makonin, W. Su, H. Zareipour, "Day-Ahead Electricity Demand Forecasting Competition: Post-COVID Paradigm," IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, vol.9, pp.185-191, 2022. (Link)
V. Bui, X. Nguyen, A. Hussain*, W. Su*, Optimal Sizing of Energy Storage System for Operation of Wind Farms Considering Grid-Code Constraints," Energies, 2021. (Link)
B. Zhang, M. Wang*, and W. Su*, "Reliability Assessment of Converter-dominated Power Systems Using Variance-based Global Sensitivity Analysis," IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, vol.8, pp.248-257, 2021. (Link)
F. Chang, X. Cui, M. Wang, and W. Su*, "Region of Attraction Estimation for DC Microgrids with Constant Power Loads Using Potential Theory," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.12, no.5, pp.3793-3808, September 2021. (Link)
Z. Liang, C. Huang*, W. Su*, N. Duan, V. Donde, B. Wang, and X. Zhao, "Safe Reinforcement Learning Based Resilient Proactive Scheduling for a Commercial Building Considering Correlated Demand Response," IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy, vol.8, pp.85-96, 2021. (Link)
B. Zhang, M. Wang*, and W. Su*, "Reliability Analysis of Power Systems Integrated with High-Penetration of Power Converters," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol.36, no.3, pp.1998-2009, May 2021. (Link)
P. Razmjouei, A. Kavousi-Fard, M. Dabbaghjamanesh, T. Jin, and W. Su, "Ultra-lightweight Mutual Authentication in the Vehicle Based on Smart Contract Blockchain: Case of MITM Attack," IEEE Sensors Journal, vol.21, no.14, pp.15839-5848, July 2021. (Link)
G. Cho, Y. Kim, J. Kwon, W. Su, and M. Wang*, "Impact of Data Sampling Methods on the Performance of Data-driven Parameter Identification for Lithium ion Batteries," vol.54, no.20, pp.534-539, IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2021. (Link)
S. Liao, L. Wei*, T. Kim, and W. Su*, "Modeling and Analysis of Residential Electricity Consumption Statistics: A Tracy-Widom Mixture Density Approximation," IEEE Access, vol.8, pp.163558-163567, August 2020. (Link)
A. Kavousi-Fard, M. Dabbaghjamanesh, T. Jin, W. Su, and M. Roustaei, "An Evolutionary Deep Learning-Based Anomaly Detection Model for Securing Vehicles," IEEE Trans. on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol.22, no.7, July 2021. (Link)
M.A. Mohamed, T. Jin*, and W. Su*, "Multi-Agent Energy Management of Smart Islands using Primal-Dual Method of Multipliers," Energy, vol.208, 118306, Oct. 2020. (Link)
A. Khazali, N. Rezaei*, W. Su, M. Kalantar, "Risk-Aware Bilevel Optimal Offering Strategy of a Joint Wind/Storage Unit Based on Information Gap Decision Theory," vol.15, no.2, pp.1939-1949, IEEE Systems Journal, June 2021. (Link)
F. Chang, X. Cui, M. Wang, W. Su*, and A.Q. Huang, "Large-Signal Stability Criteria in DC Power Grids with Distributed-Controlled Converters and Constant Power Loads," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.11, no.6, pp.5273-5287, November 2020. (Link)
H. Pourbabak, Q. Alsafasfeh, and W. Su*, "A Distributed Consensus-based Algorithm for Optimal Power Flow in DC Distribution Grids," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol.35, no.5, pp.3506-3515, September 2020. (Link)
M.A. Mohamed, W. Su*, and T. Jin*, "An Effective Stochastic Framework for Smart Coordinated Operation of Wind Park and Energy Storage Unit," Applied Energy, vol.272, 115228, August 2020. (Link)
A. Kavousi-Fard, W. Su*, and T. Jin, "A Machine-Learning-Based Cyber Attack Detection Model for Wireless Sensor Networks in Microgrids," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, vol.17, no.1, pp.650-658, January 2021. (Link)
F. Chang, T. Chen, W. Su*, and Q.H. Alsafasfeh, "Control of battery charging based on reinforcement learning and long short-term memory networks," Computers & Electrical Engineering, vol.85, 106670, July 2020. (Link)
X. Chen*, W. Su*, A. Kavousi-Fard, A. Skowronska, Z. Mourelatos, and Z. Hu*, "Resilient Microgrid System Design for Disaster Impact Mitigation," Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, vol.6, no.1-2, 2021. (Link)
T. Kim*, M. Wang, and W. Su, "Time-Sharing Duty Cycle-Based Concurrent Control for a Triple-Output Converter with Energy Storage," IEEE Access, vol.7, pp.182433-182443, Dec. 2019. (Link)
M.A. Mohamed, T. Chen, W. Su*, and T. Jin*, "Proactive Resilience of Power Systems against Natural Disasters: A Literature Review," IEEE Access, vol.7, pp.163778 - 163795, Nov. 2019. (Link)
A. Kavousi-Fard, W. Su*, T. Jin, and B. Papari, "Two-stage Stochastic Operation Framework for Optimal Management of the Water–Energy-Hub," IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, vol.13, no.22, Nov. 2019. (Link)
Z. Liang, Q. Alsafasfeh, and W. Su*, "Proactive Resilient Scheduling for Networked Microgrids With Extreme Events," IEEE Access, vol.7, no.1, pp.112639-112652, Dec. 2019. (Link)
H. Pourbabak, Q. Alsafasfeh, and W. Su*, "Fully Distributed AC Optimal Power Flow," IEEE Access, vol.7, no.1, pp.97594-97603, Dec. 2019. (Link)
H. Pourbabak, A. Ajao, T. Chen, and W. Su*, "Fully Distributed AC Power Flow (ACPF) Algorithm for Distribution Systems,” IET Smart Grid, vol.2, no.2, pp.155-162, July 2019. (Link)
A. Kavousi Fard, W. Su*, T. Jin, A. Al-Sumaiti, H. Samet, and A. Khosravi, "A Predictive KH-Based Model to Enhance the Performance of Industrial Electric Arc Furnaces," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Electronics, vol.66, no.10, pp.7976-7985, October 2019. (Link)
A. Kavousi-Fard, M. Wang*, and W. Su, "Resilient Post-Hurricane Power System Recovery Based on Mobile Emergency Resources and Networked Microgrid Reconfiguration," vol.6, no.1, pp.72311-72326, IEEE Access, 2018. (Link)
T. Chen, and W. Su*, "Local Energy Trading Behavior Modeling with Deep Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Access, vol.6, no.1, pp.62806-62814, Dec. 2018. (Link)
B. Zhang, H. Lim, S. Xu, and W. Su*, "Distance-oriented Hierarchical Control and Ecological Driving Strategy for HEVs," IET Electrical Systems in Transportation, vol.9, no.1, pp.44-52, 2019. (Link)
Z. Liang and W. Su*, "Game Theory Based Bidding Strategy for Prosumers in the Distribution System with a Retail Electricity Market," IET Smart Grid, vol.1, no.3, pp.104-111, Oct. 2018. (Link)
M. Alsafasfeh, I. Abdel-Qader, B. Bazuin, Q. Alsafasfeh*, and W. Su, "Unsupervised Fault Detection and Analysis for Large PV Systems using Drones and Machine Vision," Energies, 11(9), 2252, 2018. (Link)
H. Lim*, and W. Su, "Hierarchical Energy Management for Power-Split Plug-In HEVs using Distance-based Optimized Speed and SOC Profiles," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol.67, no.10, pp.9312-9323, Oct. 2018. (Link)
T. Chen, and W. Su*, "Indirect Customer-to-Customer Energy Trading with Reinforcement Learning," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.10, no. 4, pp.4338-4348, July 2019. (Link)
T. Chen, Q. Alsafasfeh, H. Pourbabak, and W. Su*, "The Next-generation Retail Electricity Market with Customers and Prosumers - A Bibliographical Survey," Energies, 11(1), 8, 2018. (Link)
F. Lu, H. Zhang, H. Hofmann, W. Su, and C. Mi*, "A Dual-Coupled LCC-Compensated IPT System with a Compact Magnetic Coupler," IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, vol.33, no.7, pp.6391-6402, July 2018. (Link)
Z. Liang, Q. Alsafasfeh, T. Jin, H. Pourbabak, and W. Su*, "Risk-Constrained Optimal Energy Management for Virtual Power Plants Considering Correlated Demand Response," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.10, no.2, pp.1577-1587, March 2019. (Link)
T. Jin*, S. Liu, R.C. Flesch, W. Su, "A Method for the Identification of Low Frequency Oscillation Modes in Power Systems Subjected to Noise," Applied Energy, vol.206, pp.1379-1392, November 2017. (Link)
H. Pourbabak, J. Luo, T. Chen, and W. Su*, "A Novel Consensus-based Distributed Algorithm for Economic Dispatch Based on Local Estimation of Power Mismatch," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.9, no.6, pp.5930-5942, November 2018. (Link)
H. Lim, C. Mi, and W. Su*, "A Distance-based Two-stage Ecological Driving System using an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm and Model Predictive Control," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol.66, no.8, pp. 6663-6675, August 2017. (Link)
T. Chen, B. Zhang, H. Pourbabak, A. Kavousi-Fard, and W. Su*, "Optimal Routing and Charging of an Electric Vehicle Fleet for High-Efficient Dynamic Transit Systems," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.9, no.4, pp.3563-3572, July 2018. (Link)
A. Kavousi-Fard, and W. Su*, "A Combined Prognostic Model Based on Machine Learning for Tidal Current Prediction," IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.55, no.6, pp.3108-3114, June 2017. (Link)
S. Xu, H. Pourbabak, and W. Su*, "Distributed Cooperative Control for Economic Operation of Multiple Plug-in Electric Vehicle Parking Decks," International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, vol. 37, no. 9, pp.2348-2351, September 2017. (Link)
T. Chen, H. Pourbabak, Z. Liang, and W. Su*, "An Integrated eVoucher Mechanism for Flexible Loads in Real-Time Retail Electricity Market," IEEE Access, vol.5, pp.2101-2110, January 2017. (Link)
Y. Xu*, J. Hu, W. Gu, W. Su, and W. Liu, "Real-Time Distributed Control of Battery Energy Storage Systems for Security Constrained DC-OPF," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.9, no.3, May 2018. (Link)
H. Lim, W. Su, and C. Mi*, "Distance-based Ecological Driving Scheme using a Two-stage Hierarchy for Long-term Optimization and Short-term Adaptation," IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol.66, no.3, pp.1940-1949, June 2016. (Link)
Z. Xu, W. Su, Z. Hu*, Y. Song, and H. Zhang, "A Hierarchical Framework for Coordinated Charging of Plug-in Electric Vehicles in China," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.7, no.1, pp.428-438, January 2016. (Link)
W. Su*, and A.Q. Huang, "The Energy Internet and Electricity Market in the United States (美国的能源互联网与电力市场)," Chinese Science Bulletin (科学通报), 2015. (invited paper) (Link)
J. Xiong, K. Zhang, Y. Guo, and W. Su*, "Investigate the Impacts of PEV Charging Facilities on Integrated Electric Distribution System and Electrified Transportation System," IEEE Trans. on Transportation Electrification, vol.1, no.2, pp.178-187, August 2015. (Link)
Y. Guo, J. Xiong, S. Xu, and W. Su*, "Two-Stage Economic Operation of Microgrid-like Electric Vehicle Parking Deck," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.7, no.3, pp.1703-1712, May 2016. (Link)
N. Zhang, Y. Yan, and W. Su*, "A Game-theoretic Economic Operation of Residential Distribution System with High Participation of Distributed Electricity Prosumers," Applied Energy, vol.154, pp.471-479, September 2015. (Link)
H. Dai, N. Zhang, and W. Su*, "A Literature Review of Stochastic Programming and Unit Commitment," Journal of Power and Energy Engineering, 2015, 3, 206-214.
Y. Guo*, Z. Hu, H. Zhang, W. Su, K. Zhan, and Z. Xu, "A Method for Evaluating the Maximum Penetration Level of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging in the Residential Distribution Network," Power System Technology, vol.39, no.9, September 2015. (Link) (in Chinese)
J. Chen*, Y. Zhang, and W. Su, "An Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Plug-in Electric Vehicles Joining to Charging/discharging Station in Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Networks," Special Issue on Smart Grid Communications, China Communications, vol.12, no.3, pp.9-19, March 2015. (Link)
W. Su*, "The Role of Customers in the U.S. Electricity Market: Past, Present, and Future," The Electricity Journal, vol.27, no.7, pp.112–125, August–September 2014. (Link)
N. Zhang, Y. Yan, S. Xu, and W. Su*, "A Distributed Data Storage and Processing Framework for Next-Generation Residential Distribution Systems," Electric Power Systems Research, vol.116, pp.174–181, November 2014. (Link)
W. Su*, J. Wang, and J. Roh, "Stochastic Energy Scheduling in Microgrids with Intermittent Renewable Energy Resources," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.5, no.4, pp.1876-1883, July 2014. (Link) (2015 IEEE PES Technical Committee Prize Paper Award)
W. Su*, and A.Q. Huang, "A Game Theoretic Framework for a Next-generation Retail Electricity Market with High Penetration of Distributed Residential Electricity Suppliers," Applied Energy, vol.119, pp.341-350, April 2014. (Link)
W. Su*, J. Wang, K. Zhang, and A.Q. Huang, "Model Predictive Control-based Power Dispatch for Distribution Systems Considering Plug-in Electric Vehicle Uncertainty," Electric Power Systems Research, vol.106, pp.29-35, January 2014. (Link)
W. Su*, and J. Wang, "Energy Management Systems in Microgrid Operations," The Electricity Journal, vol.25, no.8, pp.45-60, October 2012. (Link)
W. Su*, and M.-Y. Chow, "Computational Intelligence-based Energy Management for a Large-scale PHEV/PEV Enabled Municipal Parking Deck," Applied Energy, vol.96, pp.171-182, August 2012. (Link)
W. Su*, and M.-Y. Chow, "Performance Evaluation of An EDA-based Large-scale Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle Charging Algorithm," IEEE Trans. on Smart Grid, vol.3, no.1, pp.308-315, March 2012. (Link)
W. Su*, H. Rahimi-Eichi, W. Zeng, and M.-Y. Chow, "A Survey on the Electrification of Transportation in a Smart Grid Environment," IEEE Trans. on Industrial Informatics, vol.8, no. 1, pp.1-10, February 2012. (Link) (2013 IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Student Best Paper Award)
Conference Publications (60+): (Note: Corresponding Author is indicated as *)
Q.-M. Hoang, G.V. Hollweg, A. Hussain, S. Zarrabian, W. Su, V. Bui, "PSO-based Sliding Mode Current Control of Grid-Forming Inverter in Rotating Frame," 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (GM), Austin, TX, USA, July 27–31, 2025. (Link)
S.A. Khan, V. Hollweg, M. Wang*, W. Su, S. Chaturvedi, and D. Le, "An RMRAC-based Adaptive and Robust Control for a Multi-Winding Flyback Converter in OBC Application," The 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2024), Chicago, IL, Nov. 3-6, 2024. (Link)
D. Le, S. Chaturvedi, S.A. Khan, M. Wang*, M. Ghavaminejad, and W. Su, "A Capacitor Voltage-Balancing Method for Modular Multilevel Converter with Three-level SMs in Variable-speed Drives," The 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2024), Chicago, IL, Nov. 3-6, 2024. (Link)
A. Hassan and W. Su*, "Degradation-Aware Optimization of Second-Life Battery Energy Storage System," The 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2024), Chicago, IL, Nov. 3-6, 2024. (Link)
G.S. Chawda, W. Su*, M. Wang, "High-Frequency AC Integration: A Critical Analysis on the IEEE-33 Bus Standard System," The 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2024), Chicago, IL, Nov. 3-6, 2024. (Link)
M. Ghavaminejad, W. Su, and M. Wang*, "A Study on The Reliability Analysis of The Integrated Dual-output Converter Using The Bayesian Networks," The 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2024), Chicago, IL, Nov. 3-6, 2024. (Link)
M. Ghavaminejad, M. Wang*, W. Su, G. Hollweg, D. Le, and S.A. Khan, "A Study on Applying The Decoupled-Control Method on The Integrated Dual-Output Converter," The 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2024), Chicago, IL, Nov. 3-6, 2024. (Link)
G.S. Chawda, W. Su*, and M. Wang*, "Enhanced MPPT Strategy for Solar PV under Partial Shading using Improved Grey Wolf Optimization," The 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2024), Chicago, IL, Nov. 3-6, 2024. (Link)
S. Chaturvedi, S. Khan, D. Le, M. Wang*, W. Su, "Mitigation of Negative Impedance Instabilities in a Three Phase Interleaved Boost Converter Feeding Constant Power Load," The 50th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2024), Chicago, IL, Nov. 3-6, 2024. (Link)
S. Chaturvedi, M. Wang*, S. Khan, D. Le, and W. Su, "Impact of Virtual Impedance Based Ripple Mitigation on Microgrid Dynamics," the 2024 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Phoenix, Arizona, USA, October 20-24, 2024. (Link)
D. Le, S. Chaturvedi, S. Khan, M. Wang*, and W. Su, "A Novel Voltage-Balancing Control for MMC with Flying Capacitor Submodules in Medium-Voltage Variable-Speed Drives," 2024 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), Chicago, IL, June 19-21, 2024. (Link)
V. Bui, S. Mohammadi, W. Su, "Optimal Operation of Microgrid Through Loss-Guided Neural Network-Based Approach," 2024 Technology Innovation Management and Engineering Science International Conference (TIMES-iCON2024), Bangkok, Thailand, June 19-21, 2024. (Link)
M. Girdhar, J. Hong*, W. Su, A. Herath, and C.C. Liu, "SDN-Based Dynamic Cybersecurity Framework of IEC-61850 Communications in Smart Grid," 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (GM), Seattle, WA, USA, July 21-25, 2024. (Link)
V. Bui*, A. Hussain, J. Hong, A. Li, S. Zarrabian, and W. Su*, "Optimizing Islanded Microgrid Reliability with Demand Response-Driven Uncertainty Compensation," 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (GM), Seattle, WA, USA, July 21-25, 2024. (Link)
L. Andres, M. Keenan, A.M. Koumpias, W. Su*, "An Interactive GIS Dashboard for Visualizing and Achieving Energy Justice of Vulnerable Communities," 2024 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (GM), Seattle, WA, USA, July 21-25, 2024. (Link)
V. Bui, S. Zarrabian, and W. Su*, "Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Operation of Distribution Systems Using Surrogate Model," 2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (GM), Orlando, FL, USA, July 16-20, 2023. (Link)
S. Mohammadi, R. Haghighi, A. Hassan, V. Bui, M. Wang, and W. Su*, "Fast Accurate Phasor Estimation in Less than One Cycle using Neural Networks," The 18th International Conference on Control and Automation (ICCA 2024), Reykjavík, Iceland, June 18-21, 2024. (Link)
V. Bui, F. Chang, W. Su*, M. Wang, Y. Murphey, F. Silva, C. Huang, L. Xue, and R. Glatt, "Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Optimal Parameter Design of Power Converters," 2023 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Feb. 20-22, 2023. (Link)
F. Chang*, H. Sun, S. Kawano, D. Nikovski, S. Kitamura, and W. Su, "A Fault Detection and Location Technique for Inverter-Dominated Islanding Microgrids," 2022 IEEE 5th International Electrical and Energy Conference (CIEEC), 2022. (Link)
S. Wang*, Y. Murphey*, W. Su, M. Wang, V. Bui, F. Chang, C. Huang, L. Xue, F. Da Silva, and R. Glatt, "An Intelligent System for Automatic Selection of DC-DC Converter Topology with Optimal Design," the 26th Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) - AI-based Design and Manufacturing Workshop, Feb. 22 - March 1, 2022. (Link)
R. Glatt*, F. Da Silva, V. Bui, C. Huang, L. Xue, M. Wang, F. Chang, Y. Murphey, and W. Su, "Deep Symbolic Optimization for Electric Component Sizing in Fixed Topology Power Converters," the 26th Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) - AI-based Design and Manufacturing Workshop, Feb. 22 - March 1, 2022. (Link)
G. Cho, Y. Kim, J. Kwon, M. Wang*, and W. Su, "Impact of Data Sampling Methods on the Performance of Data-Driven Parameter Identification for Lithium-Ion Batteries," 2021 Modeling, Estimation and Control Conference, Austin, TX, Oct. 2021. (Link)
W. Zhou, M. Wang*, Q. Wu, G. Liu, W. Su, and C. Huang, "Optically-coupled Switched-mode Converter for Smartphones Wireless Charging Application," IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Detroit, MI, USA, Oct. 11-15, 2020. (Link)
T. Chen, C. Huang, F. Hu, J. Zhao, and W. Su*, "Self-learning Prosumer in Competitive Local Energy Market," 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Asia (ISGT-Asia), Chengdu, CHINA, May 21-24, 2019. (Link)
Z. Liang, D. Bian, D. Shi*, R. Diao, W. Su, and Z. Wang, "Adaptive Robust Energy Management Strategy for Campus-Based Commercial Buildings Considering Comprehensive Comfort Levels", 2019 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, August 4-9, 2019. (Link)
H. Pourbabak, T.R. Nudell, and W. Su, "An Efficient Algorithm for Dispatch of Modular FACTS devices in Transmission Planning", 2019 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, August 4-9, 2019. (Link)
F. Chang, T. Chen, and W. Su*, "Charging Control of an Electric Vehicle Battery Based on Reinforcement Learning", The 10th International Renewable Energy Congress, Sousse, Tunisia, March 26-28, 2019. (Link)
Z. Liang, A. Kavousifard, and W. Su*, "Resilient Restoration for Distribution System Operators when Facing Extreme Events", 2018 North American Power Symposium, Fargo, North Dakota, USA, September 9-11, 2018. (Link)
T. Chen, W. Su*, and Y. Chen, "An Innovative Localized Retail Electricity Market based on Energy Broker and Search Theory", 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Morgantown, WV, USA, September 17-19, 2017. (Link)
T. Chen, K. Qian, A. Mutanen, B. Schullerzx, P. Jarventausta, and W. Su*, "Classification of Electricity Customer Groups Towards Individualized Price Scheme Design", 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Morgantown, WV, USA, September 17-19, 2017. (Link)
A. Ajao, H. Pourbabak, and W. Su*, "Operating Cost Optimization of Interconnected Nanogrids Considering Bidirectional Effect of V2G and V2H", 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Morgantown, WV, USA, September 17-19, 2017. (Link)
Z. Liang, T. Chen, and W. Su*, "Robust Distributed Energy Resources Management for Microgrids in a Retail Electricity Market", 2017 North American Power Symposium (NAPS), Morgantown, WV, USA, September 17-19, 2017. (Link)
T. Chen, H. Pourbabak, Z. Liang, P. Yu, and W. Su*, "Participation of Electric Vehicle Parking Lots into Retail Electricity Market with eVoucher Mechanism", 2017 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Asia-Pacific (ITEC Asia-Pacific), Harbin, China, August 2-5, 2017. (Link)
J. Luo, W. Su*, and A.Q. Huang, "Bit-Energy: An Innovative Bitcoin-style Distributed Transactional Model for a Competitive Electricity Market", 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, July 16-20, 2017. (Link)
H. Pourbabak, S. Xu, T. Chen, Z. Liang, and W. Su*, "Distributed Control Algorithm for Optimal Power Allocation of EV Parking Lots", 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Chicago, IL, USA, July 16-20, 2017. (Link)
A. Ajao, J. Luo, Z. Liang, Q.H. Alsafasfeh, and W. Su*, "Intelligent Home Energy Management System for Distributed Renewable Generators, Dispatchable Residential Loads and Distributed Energy Storage Devices", The 8-th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), Dead Sea, Jordan, March 21-23, 2017. (Link)
J. Luo, H. Pourbabak, and W. Su*, "The Application of Distributed Control Algorithms using VOLTTRON-based Software Platform", The 8-th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), Dead Sea, Jordan, March 21-23, 2017. (Link)
B. Zhang, W. Li, T. Chen, and W. Su*, "A Simulation Platform for Energy-Efficient Dynamic Commuter Transit using Electric Vehicles", 2016 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo Asia-Pacific, Busan, Korea, June 1-4, 2016. (Link)
B. Zhang, T. Chen, and W. Su*, "Optimal Routing and Charging of Uber-like Electric Vehicle Considering Dynamic Electricity Price and Passenger Satisfaction", 2016 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo Asia-Pacific, Busan, Korea, June 1-4, 2016. (Link)
T. Chen, H. Pourbabak, and W. Su*, "A Game Theoretic Approach to Analyze the Dynamic Interactions of Multiple Residential Prosumers Considering Power Flow Constraints", 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, MA, U.S.A. July 17-21, 2016. (Link)
H. Pourbabak, T. Chen, and W. Su*, "Consensus-based Distributed Control for Economic Operation of Distribution Grid with Multiple Consumers and Prosumers", 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Boston, MA, U.S.A. July 17-21, 2016. (Link)
Y. Yan and W. Su*, "A Fog Computing Solution for Advanced Metering Infrastructure", 2016 IEEE Power and Energy Society Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, U.S.A. May 2-5, 2016. (Link)
N. Zhang, Y. Yan, S. Xu, and W. Su*, "Game-theory-based Electricity Market Clearing Mechanisms for an Open and Transactive Distribution Grid", 2015 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Denver, CO, U.S.A. July 26-30, 2015. (Link)
Y. Guo, S. Xu, and W. Su*, “Smart Management Systems of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging Services”, 2015 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Dearborn, Michigan, U.S.A. June 14-17, 2015. (Link)
H. Dai, N. Zhang, and W. Su*, “A Literature Review of Stochastic Programming and Unit Commitment”, The 7th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC), Beijing, CHINA, April 12-14, 2015. (Link)
S. Xu, Y. Guo, and W. Su*, “A Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of Transportation Electrification for Smart Grid Education”, 2014 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (Asia-Pacific), Beijing, CHINA, August 31-September 3, 2014. (Link)
J. Xiong, K. Zhang, X. Liu, and W. Su*, “Investigating the Impact of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging on Power Distribution Systems with the Integrated Modeling and Simulation of Transportation Network”, 2014 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (Asia-Pacific), Beijing, CHINA, August 31-September 3, 2014. (Link)
N. Zhang, Y. Yan, S. Xu, and W. Su*, “A High-availability and Fault-tolerant Distributed Data Management Platform for Smart Grid Applications”, The Fourth Great Lakes Symposium on Smart Grid and the New Energy Economy, Chicago, September 22-25, 2014. (Link)
X. Liu, Y. Guo, J. Xiong, and W. Su*, “Stochastic Day-ahead Resource Scheduling for Economic Operation of Residential Green Building”, The Fourth Great Lakes Symposium on Smart Grid and the New Energy Economy, Chicago, September 22-25, 2014. (Link)
Y. Guo, X. Liu, Y. Yan, N. Zhang, and W. Su*, “Economic Analysis of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Parking Deck with Dynamic Pricing”, 2014 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, National Harbor, MD, U.S.A. July 27-31, 2014. (Link)
Y. Guo, J. Hu, and W. Su*, “Stochastic Optimization for Economic Operation of Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at a Municipal Parking Deck Integrated with On-site Renewable Energy Generation”, 2014 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo, Dearborn, Michigan, U.S.A. June 15-18, 2014. (Link)
W. Su*, N. Zhang, Y. Yan, and A.Q. Huang, “A Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of Distributed Data Storage and Processing Framework for DGI Implementation in FREEDM Systems”, 2014 FREEDM Systems Center Annual Industry Review and Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A, January 23-24, 2014.
T. Zhang*, W. Su, Q. Duan, X. Meng, J. Yu, and X. Chen, “Investigating Plug-in Electric Vehicle Charging Stations in Microgrid,” 2013 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Engineering Conference, Hong Kong, December 8-11, 2013. (Link)
Y. Zhang*, T. Zhang, X. Song, W. Su, J. Yu, and X. Chen, “A Risk Assessment Method based on Multi-stage Overloading in Smart Distribution Network”, 2013 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, Hong Kong, December 8-11, 2013. (Link)
W. Su*, and A.Q. Huang, “A Novel Framework for the Deregulated Electricity Market in FREEDM Systems”, 2013 FREEDM Systems Center Annual Industry Review and Conference, Raleigh, NC, February 13, 2013.
W. Su*, and A.Q. Huang, “Proposing a Electricity Market Framework for the Energy Internet”, 2013 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, July 21-25, 2013. (Link)
W. Su*, J. Wang, K. Zhang, and M.-Y. Chow, “Framework for Investigating the Impact of PHEV Charging on Power Distribution and Transportation Networks”, The 38th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Montreal, Canada, October 25-28, 2012. (Link)
W. Su*, W. Zeng, and M.-Y. Chow, “A Digital Testbed for a PHEV/PEV Enabled Parking Lot in a Smart Grid Environment”, The Third Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies (ISGT), Washington D.C., U.S.A. January 17-19, 2012. (Link)
W. Su*, and M.-Y. Chow, “Sensitivity Analysis on Battery Modeling to Large-scale PHEV/PEV Charging Algorithms”, The 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Melbourne, Australia, November 7-10, 2011. (Link)
W. Su*, and M.-Y. Chow, “Investigating a Large-scale PHEV/PEV Parking Deck in a Smart Grid Environment”, The 43rd North American Power Symposium, Boston, MA, U.S.A. August 4-6, 2011. (Link)
W. Su*, and M.-Y. Chow, “Performance Evaluation of A PHEV Parking Station Using Particle Swarm Optimization”, 2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Detroit, Michigan, U.S.A. July 24-29, 2011. (Link)
W. Su*, and M.-Y. Chow, “Evaluation on Intelligent Energy Management System for PHEVs Using Monte Carlo Method”, The 4th International Conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies, Weihai, CHINA, July 6-9, 2011. (Link)
W. Su*, Z. Yuan, and M.-Y. Chow, “Microgrid Planning and Operation: Solar Energy and Wind Energy”, 2010 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. July 25-29, 2010. (Link)
W. Su*, and M.-Y. Chow, “An Intelligent Energy Management System for Charging PHEVs Considering Demand Response”, 2010 FREEDM Annual Conference, Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A. May, 2010. (Link)
W. Su*, T. Jin, and S. Wang, “Modeling and Simulation of Short-term Energy Storage: Flywheel”, 2010 International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE), CHINA, June 2010. (Link)